Product details:
VascuStatin Formula is a water extraction of the leaves of the herb Convolvulus arvensis, commonly known as field bindweed. A key component of VascuStatin Formulas field bindweed extract is its proteoglycan mixture (PGM). In combination with proper nutrition, VascuStatin formula may enhance the immune system's ability to maintain good health. * Since 1979, Allergy Research Group has used only the purest, and whenever possible, lowest allergy potential natural ingredients available. Many very sensitive individuals who react to supplements in general can tolerate Allergy Research Group products. Strict quality control procedures are followed in every stage of production, including inspection, manufacturing, packaging, and storing. Allergy Research Group fully discloses all active and inactive ingredients on every product label, allowing you to make informed choices for your nutritional support. Physicians and healthcare practitioners around the world depend on Allergy Research Group for their patients' nutritional support. This brand originated with the ground-breaking oxidant/antioxidant work of Stephen Levine, Ph.D., as one of the first to introduce truly hypoallergenic nutritional supplements in the United States.